City Farm Animal: Transport Truck 2025

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Take the adorable country animal into the metropolis. A wonderful game with excellent graphics and stages is City Farm Animal: Transport Truck 2022.

Drive through the city and move various farm animals to various city locations. Select from a variety of city transport vehicles and enjoy incredible controls.


- Admob Integrated

- Integrated App Purchases

- Rewarding Video-Based Continue / Revive.

- Double Coin Reward Based on Videos

- Arrow and steering controls

- Incredible Levels

- Gorgeous Garage

- Unity 2021.x


Software and libraries configuration :  

We are using latest libraries and software

Unity : 2021.3.21f or above

Admob : 9.0.0

Suppoted OS : Android ,IOS

Concept Type : Simulator

Paid Redesign Service :

-> New Ui/Ux design - 15$

-> Implementation in game - 15$ to 25$

Paid Publish Service :

-> Publish on Playstore - 10$  

-> Publish on Appstore - 15$

Note : Game Tested by and we are using latest libraries and software

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