Get the Free Download of Dynamic Effects for Stylized Water 2

Extends the Stylized Water 2 asset by including a framework for the addition of interactive and dynamic effects including shore waves, wakes, and ripples.

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Built-in : Incompatible

URP: Harmonious

HDRP: Incompatible

Unity Version: 2021.3.16f1

More details about compatibility.  It is assumed that you are already familiar with the Universal Render Pipeline and have switched your project over to it. Selecting the render pipeline for your project is a necessary step before you begin development.

It is only compatible with projects that use the Universal Render Pipeline's shader library and rendering API.

Unlock the full potential of adding dynamic effects to water surfaces that are localized and responsive to your imagination to improve environments and facilitate player input.

Regular scene elements like meshes, particles, lines, and trails are transformed into dynamic effects by using a specific shader that causes them to project into the water's surface.

They are able to be arranged in any way and anywhere. They can add surface foam and/or (vertical) displacement, which lets you create a range of effects.
In addition to adding a rendering foundation, this Stylized Water 2 update seeks to provide and improve upon pre-built effects.
Completely compatible with version 1.1.0+ of the Underwater Rendering extension.


• Trails and particle effects can be used to raise the water and/or introduce surface foam

• Recalculated normals ensure that effects accurately affect the shading of the water.

Among the premade effects are:

• The wave effect along the beach;

• Boat wake effect (based on trail and particle analysis).

Raindrops; Wind gusts; Waterfall Impact Ripples; Directional ripples; Ripple Trail Effect (e.g., swimming character); Impact Ripple Effect (e.g., object dropped in water).

Notice: • Prefab particle systems are set up to provide the most practical range of applications possible (e.g. sizes, timing and speed). It is advised that you modify or copy the prefabs to fit your own requirements.
• Since they all vary, it is intended that your own systems, such as a character/AI/boat controller, will take care of triggering and spawning effects through gameplay or events. Since this asset makes use of normal Unity components—rather than any unique sauce—general Unity fundamentals are applicable.


Performance: The related render pass is entirely dependent on URP's existing culling/batching mechanism, requiring no additional camera. Delivering excellent performance irrespective of the world's size or complexity.

The two significant, although scalable, factors are the rendering range and resolution. specific to each render feature.
usually takes up 96 MB of GPU RAM. Down to the lowest quality settings, at less than 1 MB.


• The compatibility information for Styled Water 2 does not include any exclusions.
• Compatible with all systems.
• Scalable for use with mobile devices (usage of Surface Foam material feature requires activation).
• VR animation



• C# buoyancy information is unaffected by effects-created displacement.
• In order to achieve surface displacement, the receiving water material's Tessellation feature must be enabled, or a high-poly mesh for water must be used.
• As rendering range increases, rendering resolution decreases. Extremely high resolution near the camera, although it is unrealistic to expect realistic rendering at large distances (more than 1000 meters).
• Internal rendering is carried out from a top-down viewpoint since 2D and planets of this kind are incompatible.


Note: You can use the files to test before you buy or for educational purposes. NOT FOR BUSINESS USE.

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