Kids Learn English ABC

Purchase and Market Android & iOS Source Codes for Kids Learning ABC App Templates.

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There are roughly twenty distinct pages in this app where children can learn and comprehend English. VERY DYNAMIC, this program won't boring kids!
This application relates to the education of children. The most comprehensive English learning software for children:
The reskin process is really simple. All you have to do is swap out the images and the mp3.


- Go through Composing
- The Learning Curve
- Select the Right Picture
- Riddle Game
- Test


Software and libraries configuration :  

We are using latest libraries and software

Unity : 2021.3.21f

Admob : 9.00

Suppoted OS : Android ,IOS

Concept Type : Education

Paid Redesign Service :

-> New Ui/Ux design - 15$

-> Implementation in game - 15$ to 25$

Paid Publish Service :

-> Publish on Playstore - 10$  

-> Publish on Appstore - 15$

Note : Game Tested by and we are using latest libraries and software

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