The materials used in demo scenes are pre-made; you can modify them manually or utilize the.unitypackages files located in the demos directory.
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Legs Animator is a component that offers numerous capabilities for characters that have legs, so it may be used for nearly any type of creature.
Features list:
lining up legs on uneven ground
Managing the locations where the legs attach (glue)
carrying out intricate animations for attachment transitions (idle gluing)
Leg animation that automatically turns and rotates in situ (idle gluing)
Moving feet that slide in animations with no root motion (movement gluing)
Stability of the hips is animated to give the animations a genuine feel.
Performance profiler that is compact and highly optimized.
See the manual for additional information.
 From standing animations, this component will NOT create running animations! Legs Animator syncs with played animation, so it can enhance running animations; nevertheless, it is only applicable to running animation clips that already exist. Legs Animator, on the other hand, can create procedurally simple walk/step animations.
(Using Legs Animator, it is possible to animate running insects.
-Â This component is very well optimized: One leg performs similarly to one character movement controller move in Unity. However, if you wish to employ several spider-like creatures:
TIMES* [number of spiders] = it may affect how well your project performs.
(A high performance boost upgrade may be issued in the future due to the plugin's potential for DOTS implementation.)
Use the built-in IK solution of Legs Animator, or use any other IK solver.
Legs Animator calculates locations and rotations that can be utilized by custom scripts or other IK solvers. Unity implementations of Mecanim Foot IK and Final IK are available through the plugin (links in the readme file).
Demos Package for a look at what's in the demo scenes and to assess performance:
x64 version of Windows
Android application
Works with every SRP! The package is unrelated to shaders.
(For demo examples, all you have to do is hide normal demo items.)
Demo Scenes focus on showcasing the many aspects of the plugin and provide instances of character movement. Legs Animator setup is included on a variety of rigs, such as humanoids, quadruples, and spiders.
supplying an API for unique Legs Animator extensions
The 360-degree movement animation module and automatic strafe (using one clip)
Push Impulses API (for impact landing bends and other applications)
Additional support capabilities for automatically enhancing animations
Handling step events for step sounds and particles
Quick setup and tools to accelerate setup
Works with any kind of rig, including critters, animals, and humanoidsÂ
Note: You can use the files to test before you buy or for educational purposes. NOT FOR BUSINESS USE.