Runtime Editor - Free Download

Have your own modeling software, game level editor, or scene editor using Runtime Editor that also has a script ready.

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 It has an API for selection, undo and redo, and drag-and-drop functionality. Managing and modifying game assets at runtime is now simpler than ever thanks to this asset, which expands on the well-known ideas of prefabs, prefab variants, and assets found in the Unity Editor.Runtime Editor combines transform-handles, gadgets, a runtime asset database, and a number of UI components, such as menus, virtualizing tree views, and dock panels, to provide the user interface and essential features.


- Database for Runtime Assets
- Love Assistance with Prefabs and Prefab Alternatives
- Love Assistance with Addressables
- Handles for position, rotation, and scale transforms;
- Scene Gizmo, Box Selection, Grid;
- LOVE Change Manages Mobile;
- Coordinates both local and global;
- Modes of local and center pivot points;
- LOVE Snapping of Vertex and Grid;
- Devices for lights, audio sources, and colliders. 
- LOVE Perspective, orthographic, and scene navigation.
- LOVE API Undo & Redo.
- API for Object Selection. 
- Events in the object life cycle.
- LOVE Edit and Play mode.
- Love An Adjustable Inspector.
- Love Editors of components and materials.
- Over 20 integrated property editors.
- Enhance Component management.
- Support for many scenes and cameras.
- LOVE Windows management and dock panels.
- Confirmations, Message Boxes, Dialogs.

- Simple to expand by adding more windows.
- Main and Context Menu Configuration.
- Quickly Virtualize Tree View.
- Support for multiple projects.
- Capacity to modify individual parts of several selected items. 
- Love Support for Universal Render Pipeline.
- Support for HD Renderer Pipeline (Beta).
- This resource makes use of.
- Roslyn compiler for.NET.
- Color Picker for HSV.
- love protobuf-net.
- Love ClipLib.


Note: You can use the files to test before you buy or for educational purposes. NOT FOR BUSINESS USE.

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