Through The Hoop Unity Hyper-casual Game Template

Purchase Hypercasual's "Through The Hoop" Unity Game Template with Admob Ads on CodeCanyon.

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AdMob ads are integrated; all you have to do is add your interstitial, banner, and rewarded ad ids to the Ads.cs script (your AdMob console contains your ad ids).

With integrated AdMob advertisements, this project is finished. incredibly simple to reskin and upload to the app and play stores. This project works on several of the platforms that Unity supports, including PC, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, and WebGL.

To score one point, jump through from above; to score two points, jump through from below. The game never ends and becomes tougher and harder as you go. Scoring as many points as you can is your main objective. Remember to gather stars in order to unlock awesome characters.


- Compatible with Unity version 2021

- Integrated advertisements

- Prepared for distribution

- Simple to Re-skin


Software and libraries configuration :  

We are using latest libraries and software

Unity : 2021.3.21f or above

Admob : 9.0.0

Suppoted OS : Android ,IOS

Concept Type : Puzzle

Paid Redesign Service :

-> New Ui/Ux design - 15$

-> Implementation in game - 15$ to 25$

Paid Publish Service :

-> Publish on Playstore - 10$  

-> Publish on Appstore - 15$

Note : Game Tested by and we are using latest libraries and software

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