ZigZag Snow Ski Complete Project

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 ZigZag Snow Ski is a very easy, one-touch game that has a huge amount of addictive potential.

Use your finger to tap the screen to control our hero as he skis. Zigzag skiing in the snow is a very cold sport. You are tasked with leading our snow skateboarder hero on the right alpine mountain climb for the longest duration in the best arcade game, ZigZag Snow Ski. Remember to collect the stars so you can exchange them for a mystery gift box.

The ZigZag Snow Ski Game features Admob integration so you can monetize it, plus it's very easy to change and customize.


- An amazing, simple to play, and addictive Unity 2D game.
- Easy to reskin and modify.
- Integration of Ads.
- Well-written, comprehensive C# code with comments.
- Permit Android and iOS.
- Fun graphics.
- Excellent soundtrack.
- Collect stars and deliver the delivery.


Software and libraries configuration :  

We are using latest libraries and software

Unity : 2021.3.21f

Admob : 9.0.0

Suppoted OS : Android ,IOS

Concept Type : Casual


Paid Redesign Service :

-> New Ui/Ux design - 15$

-> Implementation in game - 15$ to 25$

Paid Publish Service :

-> Publish on Playstore - 10$  

-> Publish on Appstore - 15$

Note : Game Tested by www.codeshopstudio.com and we are using latest librares and software

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