Download GSpawn - Level Designer for free

GSpawn - Level Designer: What is it?

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With its vast feature set and intuitive UI, GSpawn - Level Designer is a state-of-the-art software tool that works in unison with the Unity Editor to enable you to create realistic worlds.


• 3D Tile Rules (compliant with ramp and platform)

• Decoration Rules: To quickly place props and decorations, collect decoration information from demo scenes.
• Curve Spawn: this function creates fences, forests, and other structures following curves; it may also be used to edit, move, rotate, duplicate, insert control points, construct numerous lanes, pad, randomize, and jitter.
• Snap modular prefabs to the grid, move items up and down, snap the grid to the object beneath the cursor, create multistory environments, and snap one object to another object are examples of modular snapping.

• Modular walls (with or without pillar support, inner and outer corner detection)
• Physics Spawn (rotation randomization, drop height, drop radius, and real-time or instantaneous)
• Props Spawn (prefab randomization, scale & rotation randomization, drag spawn, axis alignment, embed in surface, offset from surface)
• Keyboard and mouse rotation of objects; • Mouse scaling of objects; • Prefab replacement (fast switching between prefab instances in the scene)
• Object Groups (arrangement of the scene)
• Prefab Management: create library profiles, copy and move prefabs, organize prefabs inside libraries, perform name-based searches, and apply filters.

• Scatter Brush (spread chance, axis alignment, control volume radius, randomization of rotation and scale)
• Tile Tools: (Integer patterns for creating intriguing tile patterns; overlap detection, fill modes, height modes, Prefab randomization, Project objects on Terrains, Segments & Box Spawn)

• Mirroring/Symmetry (allows for mirroring along up to three mirror planes simultaneously)
• Selection Tools: Box, Selection Segments, and Recta

• Adjust devices (universal, scale, move, and rotate).
• Extrude Device
• Customizable Shortcuts • Erase Tools (erase masks, erase brushes in 2D and 3D, erase cursor)
•... and a tonne more!

Note: You can use the files to test before you buy or for educational purposes. NOT FOR BUSINESS USE.

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