Parking Jam 3D - Unity Template

Presenting 'Parking Jam 3D,' the ultra-casual phenomenon that reinvents parking problems!

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Hyper casual Parking Jam 3D is a finished Unity project. This is a 3D mobile game project that is prepared for release on the iOS App Store or Android Play Store.

All you have to do is adjust the user interface (Images, Text, TextMeshPro, Fonts, etc.) and the audio from the Assets and Sounds Folders. swap out the text font in the Folder Font and the advertisement's key in the GLEY Tools Additionally, adding numerous ad networks is simple and only requires adding the SDK and advertisements KEY in Gley Tools. Version 2021.x of Unity is used in the project.The project incorporates a lot of gaming elements, such as Unity Ads and GLEY. Please ask any relevant questions. I'm available to answer any queries you may have.



- Compatible with iOS and Android

- Unity3D 2021.x and later

- Detailed records

- Simple to alter and reskin

- Hard and addictive gameplay

- All graphic files

- Unity interstitial and banner advertisements

- One-tap gameplay

- Simple, minimalistic design

- Offline play

- Tablet compatibility


Software and libraries configuration :  

We are using latest libraries and software

Unity : 2021.3.21f or above

Admob : 9.0.0

Suppoted OS : Android ,IOS

Concept Type :Casual

Paid Redesign Service :

-> New Ui/Ux design - 1??$

-> Implementation in game - 15$ to 1??$

Paid Publish Service :

-> Publish on Playstore - 15$  

-> Publish on Appstore - 35$

Note : Game Tested by and we are using latest libraries and software


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